Friday 9 May 2008

Che Fece… Il Gran Rifiuto - C.P Cavafy

For some people the day comes

when they have to declare the great Yes

or the great No. It’s clear at once who has the Yes

ready within him; and saying it,

he goes from honor to honor, strong in his conviction.

He who refuses does not repent. Asked again,

he’d still say no. Yet that no—the right no—

drags him down all his life.

- The title translated means "Who made...the great refusal". I really like this though I'm struggling slightly with it. I would say the "right no" is about doing what appears to be the right thing - if we ALWAYS do we will be dragged down our whole lives by not listening to our hearts. Sometimes we have to take a chance and declare the great YES...from this we become stronger...

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